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<cargonerds> Integrates Into Pricing Manager

Through its collaboration with, <cargonerds> integrates an additional rate management tool into its Pricing Manager, offering airfreight forwarders and shippers access to rates from over 50 airlines from the network. All current offers are directly visible in the Pricing Manager and Customer Portal via API, whether live estimates, contract or promo rates. The […]

cargonerds gives medium-sized air freight forwarders access to WebCargo’s air freight rates

cargonerds is partnering with WebCargo by Freightos to help small and medium-sized freight forwarders process air freight rates digitally. The collaboration enables freight forwarders to process air freight faster and more efficiently. The WebCargo platform is connected to the cargonerds systems with a standard interface. This allows small and medium-sized forwarders to process enquiries in […]

cargonerds beam freight forwarders into the digital age of shipping

Hamburg, January 17, 2023 – To be successful in today’s supply chain world, there is no excuse for global freight forwarders – they must make that quantum leap towards digitization. As a software developing company believing in continuous learning, cargonerds is helping in particular small and medium-sized freight forwarders to optimize themselves in the digital age. […]